THE AGNI (digestive fire) Agni is the digestive fire for Ayurveda and refers to the digestive capacity and bodies involved here, food, emotions.
Some tips to improve the Agni or digestive fire.
AGNI The Sanskrit term means "fire" and is used to describe the forces that break
the food we eat.
concerns enzymes and acids involved in the digestive process and also to
liver, gallbladder, salivary glands, pancreas and other organs and tissues
participants in that role and that regulate appetite and elimination
waste. Agni is essential in the process of digestion and metabolism.
life depends on food, water and air, but living things should be run through Agni. When Agni becomes out of balance, debilitated or very intense, becomes leading cause of disease. In Ayurveda move from one state to an abnormal
normal is the effective way to define the natural healing.
skin brightness, strength, health, vigor, growth, digestion and vitality depend
normal state of Agni. People can have a strong or weak Agni, making them more or less able to digest food properly. The Agni of Pitta tends to be stronger, instead the Vata tends to be irregular or unpredictable and Kapha
Several factors may help maintain a balanced Agni.
one of them will maintain good digestion of food. This will
should be in balance the doshas and a mental willingness to
appetite and food intake. A positive attitude towards food
, quantity and quality of it will depend largely on a balanced
Agni. Repression of emotions can also get a lock on the
A good recommendation that makes the author Anna Selby: "It is better to take a food
not suitable with the right attitude to make the right food with an attitude
inappropriate. "Many causes of indigestion our
are caused by our bad behavior when eating the food, as well
or are influenced by negative external factors we eat when we eat
time (TV, radio, reading, etc ...) or eat with a group of people
predispose us to keep the discussion at that time.
We are not aware that all this ends up being digested by
mind just affect us physically and suffer the typical heartburn, heartburn or bloating.
Ayurveda advised not to suppress or emotions or certain functions
body as this could trigger a corrupting of the Agni. When the Agni
happens to be corrupted (accumulation of toxins in excess)
it becomes what is called the AMA, which are undigested foods or medium
digest. Is the basic cause of disease.
In Ayurveda there are several ways and methods to prevent disease and philosophy is that both heal
to stay healthy is to have good nutrition. Guidelines
key to a good Agni
• Take the right amount of food.
• No eating disorders.
• Do not eat before you have digested the above.
(To find if digestion is done correctly and if real
hungry, take a little hot water. If belching tasteless and odorless
will indicate that it has been digested properly. Also check for
lightness in the abdomen.
• Do not eat after hours.
• Food must be prepared to order with fresh food once cooked
and must be eaten hot. Do not take
reheating since they are heavier to digest.
• Do not eat fast but in a relaxed, quiet and
thinking about the food we eat.
• Do not eat when you have many concerns or
one feels bad. This will cause indigestion. • Avoid fast
no purpose, as the body weakens
• Before meals is advisable to take a glass of hot
water with a squeeze of lemon and a pinch of ginger (fresh or powdered)
that help digest food better we're going to take.
optionally may be a vegetable broth.
• Avoid at all times to drink cold water because it makes
our "inner fire" (Agni) drops and we
cause stomach problems and it is best hot or warm water.
• Obese people should drink water before meals
as it will make its Agni down and eat less.
• Avoid exercise after meals, and travel
as movement disorders and alters causes digestion.
not sleep immediately after meals as
slow digestion and eventually lead to obesity.
The Ghee: Butter ayurveda
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7 April 1910 As an introduction it can be said that the ghee is clarified butter,
ie, without protein since through the boiling process to be the subject
causes it to separate the protein that carries and is much more digestible and is
Fat Free.
To make ghee is recommended, apart from the necessary ingredients, a little patience
when made as it is a slow process.
Ingredientespara make Ghee • Butter ½ kg or 1 kg (at the end of the process is quite small
so much the more the better).
• A sterile gauze (available at drugstores.)
• A colander.
• A pot of stainless steel or cast iron (
never aluminum).
• preferably a glass container with airtight lid
. If you can not also be used a plastic tupperware type
• A wooden spoon. Preparation of Ghee
• Place the butter in a saucepan over low heat and stirring will
paraderretirla. During the whole process must be
stirring constantly to avoid burning the butter.
• Bring to the boil will form a foam that has NOT
to withdraw at any time, but we have to wait for this to evaporate.
• be kept boiling until butter is made more liquid
and reaches a golden color. On the walls of the pot will be the
protein as they go by the ghee and catch a tan and
will smell a cookie *.
• To verify that the ghee is fact has to do "
smell test." Remove the pan from the heat and take a cotton bud or cane
cotton ears. A little wet cotton in the ghee and
checks directly into the fire if it sizzles. If you no longer
sizzling is that there is no water and is done.
• Then you take the gauze and placed in a strainer,
is placed over the glass container and pour the ghee so that
is retained throughout the protein.
• Allow to cool, uncovered, and as it cools
catch consistency and solidify (in summer will be less consistent and in winter will be completely
cold butter but the texture is always
granules). Is kept outside the fridge for a year.
Our advice has been carefully going from starting to change the color of ghee
, because if we let it do catch a lot of color too dark.
ghee would be a past or burned. It is therefore advisable to go testing with the
cotton and if it is not continuing. Anyway, if this happens
not throw it away, since it can serve as a moisturizer for the skin (among many other remedies
). Utilities
Ghee • A substitute for butter, so you can
eating toast for breakfast or recipes.
• You can replace oil when cooking.
• It is a good skin moisturizer and a good
protector. It also serves to sunburn.
• It is a good lubricant for the eyes and an enhancer of
view, so that you can use every morning directly in your eyes (puts
with fingertip on the tear and extends).
• No fat but obese people should be taken with caution
• The Ghee balances fluids / bodily waste (feces, urine and sweat
• It is a good means of transport at the cellular level. • It Tridosha
(it's good for all doshas, \u200b\u200bVata, Pitta and Kapha
, but too much causes obesity, so should not be abused).
• Increases Agni (aids in digestion).
Vata Ayurvedic massage to warm sesame oil is especially abundant
good for Vata constitutions.
Sesame is hot and heavy in their qualities, which counters the cold and dry
Vata. Removes the muscle pain and stiffness and is especially good for arthritis
. It is also useful for nervous disorders, relieving
nerve pain and tenderness. Other oils
Vata Vata or conditions such as sciatic pain, constipation and dry skin, are almond, mustard,
castor and special Ayurvedic preparation called Mahanarayan Cola. These oils
warm, nourish and calm the hyperactivity.
Vata types tend to get cold easily, have an energy variable, and
suffer from emotions like fear, nervousness and anxiety, and thus it is
benefit greatly from massage oil. Massage oil should be
slowly, with less pressure than normal, because people
Vata is delicate bone structure, and tend to be more emotionally sensitive.
used natural herbs and powders Vata hot and heavy oils such as sesame
to help improve circulation and bring more to 'Earth'.
These herbs include the pen (or Vacha, the most effective), ginger,
Jyotishmati, Dashamula and licorice. The main attractions are associated with Vata
the colon, breast and pelvic cavities and dry in the body where it can accumulate
Vata. Oil generously applied in these areas can
help balance Vata and support.
Ayurvedic massage for Pitta Pitta constitutions
to, individuals who tend to heat and inflammation diseases
are recommended cold oils as olive, coconut and sunflower
cold fragrances such as lavender, sandalwood and jasmine.
These oils help to treat conditions such as rashes skin, ulcers, diarrhea, head aches type
Pitta (heat). Recommended especially in the heat
station when Pitta is aggravated.
Since Pitta and have a moderate amount of oil in their systems, use
medium amounts of oil. You can apply deeper pressure
that used for Vata, and should be moderada.A sometimes a quick massage and vigorous
Pitta can bother a person, prone to anger and
easily irritated. Cold herbs are also used as brahmi (drop kola), ushiro (khus or
vetiveria), sandalwood powder and turmeric.
The main physical locations for Pitta are the small intestine, liver and spleen
where Pitta accumulates in bile and other toxins.
Pitta is also the head and eyes. Cold essential oils like rose, sandalwood and violet
can be applied to the temples and third eye for cool
the head, which normally should be kept fresh.
Kapha Ayurvedic massage for
For Kapha constitution are used hot and drying oils such as mustard, almonds and sesame
to increase circulation and counteract the typical humidity in the Kapha
. Used in conjunction with warm essential oils such as eucalyptus, camphor
, henna. They work well for Kapha conditions such as sinusitis,
colds, obesity and excess mucus. Since Kapha and have a greater
amount of oil on your skin, you should use less oil.
pressure can be applied fast, strong and deep because people
Kapha has a large frame, big bones and thick skin. Using herbs and drying as hot
calamus (Vacha), bullet, dashamula, ginger and cinnamon.
The main places of accumulation of Kapha are the stomach, lungs and joints
where it accumulates in the form of mucus. The movement in these areas easily
stagnates and becomes sluggish. So also recommend a vigorous massage
the abdomen to increase the fire tract (Agni).
Kapha people have emotions like attachment, greed and lethargy.
are the most affectionate, loving and emotional types due to the elements of 'water'
and 'land' that lead into your system. Require strong massage to keep their energy and movement
prevent stalling their emotions. Kapha Dosha
general concept in the universe
According to Ayurvedic science on earth there are three natural forces
give life to the world and the creatures that inhabit it.
WATER is the strength of the material that makes it possible that things exist and are
Balance and imbalance of the natural power of water
a result of growing and cooling temperature is
WATER accumulates in the atmosphere into clouds, which in certain regions of the earth
and if specific conditions are met this buildup can cause dangerous
rains destroy everything they find its path, leaving areas
flooded, overflowing rivers, etc ... But when the water
acts moderately watered plants, quenches thirst, is a means of transport
is, when the force of water acting in a balanced way is a
force creates other types of energy that give rise to new forms of life.
balance created by nature
The stations regulate the accumulation years, heating, cooling and air drop
thus creating a balance between the forces of nature
In spring rains and sunny, which makes the water
force to grow plants and animals to reproduce. It is the awakening of nature and all material
forces of the universe in microcosm
"The appearance of the doshas or biological energies of the human body."
Ayurvedic medicine believes that natural forces of the universe
biological manifest themselves in our body and appointed
doshas or vital energies of the body and are needed for maintenance
of life.
The Doshas in the body act the same way they do
forces of nature in the macrocosm, and balance and unbalance
the same way, with atmospheric changes, eating habits, mental and emotional
each person, the environment around us ...
For all these reasons it is important to take care of the Doshas
we do not cause disease. Concept of Kapha Dosha
biological life energy that holds together all the elements that make up matter and the other
Doshas. Composition
Kapha Dosha Kapha is the combination of water and earth elements found in our
body. Characteristics of Kapha Dosha
The combination of these elements make
Kapha has the specific characteristics of the mud, cold, heavy, static, soft, oily. Role of Kapha Dosha
These features provide the strength Kapha Dosha
the physical and mental integrity.
is, Kapha is our physical body with all its muscles, fat ... that gives us strength
physical and mental security. Kapha Constitution
When his physical or mental predominant Kapha Dosha
normally your body is big and heavy, her hair is wavy and thick, speaking slowly. You
is slow, calm, wise, strong negotiator.
diseases that have a tendency if unbalanced Kapha Dosha.
digestive problems, poor circulation, asthma, bronchitis, lung cancer and breast
. Diet
Kapha Dosha favor
• Avoid sweet, salty, and sour.
• Drink herbal teas.
• Eating fruits, vegetables, apples, cherries, grapes, artichokes
, col ...
• Eat light, warm.
• Do not eat too much, or between meals.
• Do not sleep immediately after meals.
Author: Maria Matilde Amill
AMA Ayurvedic Doctor (UK) collegiate No 2402031
Enbuenasmanos columnist for / ayurveda_salud
Contact the author
Vata Dosha
general concept in the universe
According to Ayurvedic science on earth there are three natural forces that give life to the world and
beings who inhabit it: air, fire and water.
The AIR is the wind force, able to move things from a few grains of sand
build to mountains to the sea to infuriate
creating giant waves.
Balance and imbalance of natural air force
Because of the increase and the temperature cooling air is accumulating in the atmosphere
air pockets forming in certain areas of land
and if specific conditions are
this buildup can produce dangerous winds destroy everything in their path, leaving
desolate areas, drying rivers and ponds, etc ... But
When the air acts moderately carries pollen from plants for pollination
, move the windmills, it creates waves.
is, when the air force operates in a balanced way is a force that creates
other types of energy that give rise to new forms of life, and gives
movement to the other two forces of nature, the strength of fire and the
force of water, and that no air force fire and water are
balance created by nature
The governing seasonal accumulation, cooling and air
decreased thus creating a balance between the forces of nature
In winter's cold, raining, the sun is very faint and barely warm. These weather conditions
increase and manifest the power of the air creating wind
ice, snow ...
This increase in wind strength caused by decreased force
water and fire force.
forces of the universe in microcosm
"The appearance of the doshas or energy biological body. "
Ayurvedic medicine believes that natural forces of the universe is manifested by biological
in our body and appointed
Doshas or body's vital energy and are necessary for the maintenance of life
The Doshas in the body act the same way they do
forces of nature in the macrocosm, and balance and unbalance
the same way, with atmospheric changes, eating habits, mental and emotional
each person, the environment around us ...
For all these reasons it is important to take care of the Doshas
we do not cause disease.
Concept Vata Dosha
biological life energy creates mental and physical movement in the body and governs the same time
Pitta Dosha and Kapha Dosha. Composition
Vata Dosha Vata is the combination of the elements of air and space
found in our body. The combination of these elements makes
Vata has the specific characteristics of cold, dry, clean and be in constant motion
. Vata Dosha
These features provide Vata Dosha able to act in the body
activating all physical movement and mental.
is, Vata produces pulmonary respiration, the air enters and
out of the lungs for oxygen into our bodies and occurs
cellular respiration and oxygen breathing cells that
reaches them through the blood circulation.
This feature frees up energy that powers the other two Doshas
and organs of the body, creating physical movement and mental. Vata Constitution
When his physical or mental predominantly Vata Dosha
usually their bones are light, you're thin, tall or short, narrow-shouldered, curly hair, dry
, talkative, vital, fearful, indecisive, creative,
sensitive and enthusiastic.
Diseases that have a tendency if unbalanced Vata Dosha
rheumatism, anxiety, impotence, heart problems ...
The prolonged mental concentration can affect your health.
Diet Vata Dosha favor
• Eat sweet, salty, and sour.
• Drink milk and herbal teas.
• Eat sweet fruits, avocados, bananas, rice, cabbage ...
• Avoid nuts, apples and melons.
• Maintain regular eating habits.
• Avoid eating when stressed, anxious or nervous. Pitta Dosha
general concept in the universe
According to Ayurvedic science in the land There are three natural forces
give life to the world and the beings that inhabit it (Fire, Air, Water).
Fire: its strength is the ability to transform things, making the material
become the finished product.
Balance and imbalance of the natural force of fire
Because of the closeness and distance from the sun FIRE
accumulates in the atmosphere rising and falling temperatures in certain regions of the
land and if there are specific conditions these changes may
create deserts or large frost.
But if used properly can turn the fire area, for example
solid iron into liquid metal forging it to take iron
balance created by nature
The governing seasonal accumulation, cooling and air
decreased thus creating a balance between the forces of nature
In summer the sun is high producing intense heat, suffocating. This shows the strength
forces of the universe in microcosm
"The appearance of the doshas or biological energies of the human body."
Ayurvedic medicine believes that natural forces of the universe
biological manifest themselves in our body and appointed Doshas or body's vital energy
They are necessary for the maintenance of life
The Doshas in the body act the same way they do
forces of nature in the macrocosm, and balance and unbalance
the same way, with atmospheric changes, eating habits, mental and emotional
each person, the environment around us.
For all these reasons it is important to take care of the Doshas
we do not cause disease. Pitta Dosha
Concept Energy
vital biological digests and metabolizes food we eat. Composition
Pitta Pitta Dosha is the dominant heat found in our body. Characteristics of Pitta
Pitta dosha is the specific heat of the fire, odor, sharp
attitude. Pitta Dosha
These features provide Pitta Dosha the power of digestion, metabolism
and tissue formation.
is, Pitta digestive juices that allow
digestion and metabolism at the cellular level.
This feature frees up energy and body temperature. Pitta Constitution
When his physical or mental Pitta dosha predominates, usually
you like sports. Your metabolism works well, has an athletic body, well developed
has freckles on the skin, straight hair. It is ambitious, organized, entrepreneurial and eager
diseases that have a tendency when Pitta Dosha
unbalanced high blood pressure, stomach problems, skin cancer and inflammation. Diet pro
Pitta Dosha
• Drink milk and cold drinks.
• Eat sweet fruits, vegetables.
• Avoid fats, spices, sour fruits, peanuts,
oranges, bananas, tomatoes, garlic, alcohol ...
• Eat in a calm environment.
• Eat slowly.
"Water, health elixir or poison?
According to Ayurvedic medicine, water is essential for life and health,
but must be used carefully, since in certain circumstances it may be harmful to health
For water to be healthy should be drunk given the constitution of each person
season as summer
the body needs more water to stay hydrated and replenish the fluid through the heat evaporates the sweat
skin. And in winter you do not need to drink as much liquid as
it is retained in the body to maintain body heat.
People with Kapha constitution need to drink less water because they retain
plenty of fluids, ie, conserve the water they drink and not expel
properly and tend to get fat.
These people need to drink medicinal water occasionally. A
Ayurvedic doctor will advise how to prepare the medicated water for each case in particular
Pitta people need to drink cool water (not the refrigerator or Frisher)
especially in summer, because his inner fire is usually
excessive in most cases and tend to be hotter in summer, sea bathing are
very refreshing for them.
Vata people should drink hot water to reduce that nervousness
Vata characteristic that always accompanies them. The cold water will increase your
instability may increase any nerve problem suffering.
is advisable to take showers or hot baths.
In any case it is beneficial to follow these guidelines
Ayurvedic medicine recommend that you give the following cases: • If you have indigestion
drink warm water, never cold, because it will increase
• Do not drink too much water if you have a fever, cold or the flu
• Disabled persons should drink water only medicinal.
• Drink water to start the meal makes
lose appetite and lose weight.
• Drinking water during meals aids digestion and keeps the body
• Drinking water at the end Food
reduce stomach capacity to digest and grow.
diet according to Ayurvedic medicine
are what you eat
Ayurvedic medicine was considered the first science in our body,
our mind and spirit feed on the products we eat, so a healthy diet
is that balanced diet, adequate
our bodies and our way of being and is in line with the daily weather that
all know that the digested food and energy is released, this
energy must be of good quality to make us feel happy, active, is
say, energy. And these foods are digested
that will form new cells in our body, so it must be of good quality
forming healthy cells.
quality foods are those that are fresh, low fat, and
to be cooked a few hours before being eaten.
Ayurvedic medicine found that there was enough food to be of good quality
energy to produce quality and healthy cells,
also be taken into account other factors affecting the digestion and metabolism of food
climate Climate is an important factor in the digestion of food because
occur in the stomach digestive process accumulates a certain amount of heat
food to cook, that is, they digest.
If we live in a warm climate, such as in summer, the sun warms our bodies and our stomach
already warm so no need to generate more heat
to digest food, so in summer we like to eat ice cream and salads
because they bring freshness to our stomach and thereby becomes the
this temperature for a good digestion, but if we eat spicy
add more heat to the stomach and it still heats up and digestion "burned", resulting in a poor metabolism
ash and cause harm to our health.
same thing happens in winter's cold and cools the body,
need warm clothes to maintain normal body temperature and we like to eat hot soup
because our stomach is cold and needs extra heat for
digest food, eat to provide hot food hot and cooked
food for the stomach to a lower temperature needed to digest and metabolize food
. But if we eat foods cold and uncooked our
stomach will not have sufficient temperature to digest and stay raw and half
harm our health.
balance and combination of Ayurvedic diet food
foods we eat can be very healthy, but if we combine
wrong or eat may be disproportionately harmful to health in a not too distant future
A balanced diet is one in which one eats a little of everything, without eating
much of this and none of it. Ayurvedic medicine recommends that food
savor every six flavors that exist in nature: sweet, salty, bitter
, spicy, sour and astringent for all the different foods
provide benefits to human body.
But keep in mind how the food is digested in the stomach, how to release their energy
how are metabolized to
combination of food we eat is beneficial for optimal digestion and produce a healthy metabolism
to produce a power of good quality and healthy
cells. Ayurvedic medicine recommends no ingested at the same meal:
meat, fish, fruit and dairy products because
recommends that each protein must be digested separately for better digestion and metabolism.
Ayurvedic medicine recommends eating when hungry because the stomach
starts working when you feel the stimulus of hunger, and
not eat if not hungry stomach because if the food stands
ingested produce toxins that cause new diseases.
foods, our bodies and our minds
Ayurvedic medicine in the body distinguishes three biological energies called Doshas
which are those that govern all bodily functions and mental
body: Vata Dosha
•: is the air is in our body,
enters through respiration and decomposition of food during the
process of digestion and metabolism, serves
we breathe and live, to breathe the cells of our body and
operate the nervous system.
• Pitta Dosha: is fire, ie
acid digesting food in the stomach and enzymes that produce metabolic process
digested food, creating physical and mental energy.
• Kapha Dosha: water and earth, matter, the
different cell types that make up our body.
These three energies are present in all beings on earth, but in different proportions depending
beings or other. Among humans, each
one has a different energy ratio, but they all experience the same
stages of life, and these too are governed by the Doshas.
Childhood Childhood is governed by Kapha Dosha, the body develops and
matter has formed, we need to start drinking milk because milk
are the six flavors and thus provides all the necessary food for the baby
the principle of development human body. Later in childhood and adolescence
need to eat everything all
different cell types that make up the human body to develop normally. Excess fat
cause muscles to form greasy and the child will
fat, grow fat and be difficult to lose weight as an adult.
maturity in adulthood, Pitta dosha governs when human person has
ambitions and ideals and makes every effort to reach them, so your whole body and mind
are constant boiling. Need to eat anything to stay in
form without abusing alcohol and spicy too excited because
Pitta Dosha and could cause stomach ulcers and heartburn. The elderly
In the third stage Vata Dosha directs all movements of the body cell
eroding human weaknesses.
need to take calcium to prevent erosion of the bones (osteoporosis),
eat anything that does not harm our body tissues are damaged
old habits.
Different types of human constitution
When Dosha is in greater proportion in a body that is considered
person is more affected by this Dosha than the other two doshas of your body
• Vata Constitution: those people
narrow shoulders, high or low, very active, very talkative.
have to eat everything in small amounts several times a day because his
stomach can not digest too much food at once.
• Pitta Constitution: those people
broad shoulders, of medium height, with ambitions.
have to eat everything in abundance three times a day because his stomach has great ability to digest
and if you do not eat well feel bad.
• Kapha Constitution: those people full-bodied,
nice, slow, and always hungry.
have to eat everything in moderation, but only three times a day, not
between meals because your metabolism is slow and prone to block the energy channels and physiological
, such as cholesterol. Food and
diseases are diseases caused by the accumulation or reduction of one or more
Doshas, \u200b\u200bso that the sick body has a different energy mix,
ie sick body is not governed by the same Doshas that governing the
at birth, and therefore need a different power appropriate to their
Author: Maria Matilde Amill
Dr. Ayurvedic AMA (UK) collegiate No 2402031
columnist for Enbuenasmanos
Tridosha or three Doshas vital
Ayurvedic Medicine believes that life exists because of the movement
continuous forces promote it.
As modern science demonstrated that energy is neither created nor destroyed
, but is transformed, Ayurvedic science
showed more than 8,000 years that promotes energy and is transformed through three vital energies or
forces life in the universe, the force of air, heat and simmer
the force of water.
Since the universe was created these forces have made possible the evolution
the world due to their accumulation phase, demonstration and download
causing all kinds of changes in the earth and the creatures that inhabit it. Since
vital forces have no brake on their own and always would
accumulating force may be getting more dangerous, nature has created a mechanism
balance: the seasons (winter, summer, spring and autumn
) which regulate the accumulation and discharge
manifestation of three forces.
This will complete the energy cycle that promotes universal life
Without these energy forces would not be possible the miracle of life because it would occur
motion the necessary processes (air), transformation
(fire) and accumulation (water) to make possible a life as complex as we all live
living things in this world. Life
described with reference to the universe or macrocosm, the
Ayurvedic medicine also applies at the microcosm or the life of living beings.
These vital forces are formed by the combination of elements or
mahabhootas: air, space, fire, water and land, which are the universe.
these five elements in their biological form are called doshas, \u200b\u200band are also known in allopathic medicine
as biological fluids.
In Ayurvedic medicine are known three Doshas: Vata, Pitta and Kapha.
All activities and functions of the body and mind, whether normal or abnormal
depend on the normal state or imbalance of these three Doshas.
Since each Dosha in the body has a specific vital functions
meet all living things are made according to the three doshas, \u200b\u200bbut the combination
tridosha not the same for everyone, but especially for each of
Depending on which dosha is predominant on others each person will have a
physical, mental and emotional than others, making
beings unique and special.
In the same way that the vital forces of nature
increase or decrease in the universe, so do the Doshas in the body as
are governed by the same forces balancing the seasons, and also by the habits
food, excess or lack of physical exercise and mental
, ie any psycho-somatic factors affect the nature of the Doshas
imbalance and diseases and their balance will create
health and welfare.
"Living is an art, and Ayurvedic medicine contributes to this art of living"
Author: María Matilde Amill
AMA Ayurvedic Doctor (UK) No 2402031
collegiate columnist for Enbuenasmanos