Original title: The End of the World as We Know It. Scenes from a Life
Translation: Anna SkuciĆska
Publisher and year of issue: Our Books, January 2011
Number of pages: 216
Rating: 6 / 6
What does a child whose whole world collapsed at the age of four years? What is it like when you right from the start is shaken sense of security, and the entire system of values \u200b\u200bclings in ruins? Can you live normally, being marked by the trauma from your childhood? Can you be happy all the world hiding secret that would like to talk out loud as a warning to others?
drunk too much drinks and a dramatic event that can not be undone, and no way to erase the memory forever ruining the life of a small boy. The boy, whose only dream is to die.
family like many others, among the closest friends of escaping as a model, niejedni envy them; some would like to appear on their site.
father respected university lecturer, soul of the mother company, always smiling and in demand, the three happy children. Unfortunately, nothing is as it at first glance, it seems, the family under the veil of apparent happiness hides a terrible secret.
Even the cover suggests that the book is not about pleasant things. Filled with the emotions - from the first page until the last sentences of beats from her unimaginable grief, which gives to the reader. While he realizes that the story described in it happened to really feel this is compounded many times.
begins as an innocent, the author describes the feelings that accompanied him during his parents' death - alcoholics. Getting to know the detailed history of the family, we skip the event to the event, with less time in the more distant, as if we were watching pictures from different periods of life, chronologically disordered.
get to know the history of man unhappy, lonely, whose fate has not spared, the man who still wants to be a good son and brother, who loves his family and tries to help as soon he does best. Initially, there is no indication so dramatic turnover of cases.
Then the nearest we get to know the character, we learn about his problems with alcohol, drugs, a tendency to casual sex and self-harm. Book with each new party more frightening, the climax is wanted to keep it as far as possible and never to her not to return, to forget, to pretend that he never had read.
One dramatic event from childhood, one cruel, ill-deed, the lack of response from the people who should respond, the secret concealed for too long, necessity of living next to people who have committed atrocities. A child deprived of his childhood, just pretending, that is the same as any other child, an adult male - not capable to find happiness, seeking solace in addiction and asking yourself the pain. Does anyone in close author guessed that all this is the result of the tragedy we experienced at the age of four years?
story written as a warning , perhaps through the history of Robert Goolricka, some innocent children's psyches will be intact, maybe people Finally, discretionary income children to reflect on the consequences of their actions.
book leaves an indelible imprint in the memory, only for people with strong nerves.
you the opportunity to read a book publisher thank our Bookstore.
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