Saturday, May 21, 2011

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"Prophecy" rhymes

Original title: Elphame's Choice
Translation: Hanna Hessenmuller
Series: Partholon Volume I
Publisher and date: Mira, April 2011
Number of pages: 528
Rating: 5 / 6

When I reached the book because of the cover. I fell in love since I first saw it. It was only afterwards I realized that this is a fantasy novel, and thus the species, which I try to avoid like the plague. After all, I decided to take a chance, I was not disappointed. To his great surprise, the interior charmed me as much as the cover.

Elphame - half goddess centaur half - as the first daughter to be the ruler Partholonu its successor. Girl is not delighted with this idea, do not feel the bond with the goddess of the Epone, believes that there is nothing magical, and simply not suited to the spiritual leader of the nation.
Elphame dreams of treated it like a normal girl, without undue veneration, bowing and titling a goddess, dreams about to find love and get a group of trusted friends. Leaves
native and his brother went to the castle ruins McCallany to restore its former glory opuszczonemu domostwu and find what you're missing her so much.
news about the plans of the goddess spread rapidly Castle and accumulates a large group of people willing to help. Among them is Brenna - healer terribly wronged by fate and Brighid, female centaur with a wicked tongue. The girls soon find a common understanding, they share similar experiences and feelings. Each of them feels repelled and unacceptable by society, different and doomed to solitude.
The castle begins to pulsate with life, El finds friends and discovers the magical powers, and finally feel that someone is needed and can see as a spiritual leader. She finds happiness and peace, which for so long sought. Unfortunately idyll does not last long on the road Elphame appears Lochlan, winged child Fomorians dangerous breed who came to the specific mission Partholonu meet a mysterious prophecy.
Castle McCullana forever change the lives of all characters, their fates are not necessarily turn out as we would wish.

colorful cross-section of the form that makes the book even more interesting. Magic characters have the characteristics of ordinary people, love, get angry, tend to have worse and better days. Some heroes at times irritating. Every reader will will find their favorites, which will not want to part. Fairytale

Partholon reminds me of another, equally remarkable land - Narnia. Similarity caught my eye after a few pages of the work. And that, I have great affection for Narnia, it is impossible I would not have loved Parthalonu. I will certainly come back here often and I can not wait for the next volume of the series.


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