Saturday, September 18, 2010

Order Cricket Bat Sticker Online

+ 18 September podsumoawnie action in September 1939

Despite the ambiguous order of the Supreme Commander of the Polish Army troops, attacked by overwhelming numbers of the Red Army troops, met the fight. Passed into history the heroic defense of Grodno, where the remnants of Polish troops, backed by the scouts take up the two-day resistance to Soviet tanks, as well as defense of Lwow from 12 to September 22 - against Germany, from September 18 simultaneously against the Soviets.
still defended Warsaw, Modlin, and Hel. Still remnants of the Army of Poznan and Pomerania pierced by ticks of the enemy. Armies Kraków and Lublin were looking hole in the area of \u200b\u200bTomaszów Lubelski.

were evacuated to Romania 30 000 soldiers, the Hungary 40 000 (including motorized brigade, battalion railway engineers, and police battalion "Golędzinów" ).

Squadron "Vulture"
that day, all eight machines was already in Romania. Throw pie left Polish border on the night of 18 on Sept. 19 near Kotomyja. Not all staff are managed, some went into exile.

Squadron "Hawk"
ten airplanes in stock. early morning at the airport XV Squadron chief engineer arrived 16th Squadron, senior foreman Wac Oyrzanowski benches, a written order of Gen. Ujejs kiego metastasis ordering planes to Romania.
Around 8:00 5 nine Elk started start to Chernivtsi on the remains of gasoline. After 8:30 the machine reached the limits of the Romanian. Elks were overloaded above the norm. In addition to the crew aboard were also mechanics, aircraft were even at 6 people!
P / O. Bernas:
"The order did not provoke debate. It was a logical and complete propitiation this whole unfortunate for us war. Przeczuwaliśmy it from the moment of entering the pain szewików the Polish border. What was there to do aviation with its valuable equipment, but without the base, without supplies, no ammunition. Everything was on the premises nach occupied by the Germans.
Uczepiliśmy up hope that in the solution wyczytaliśmy vernom: 'in order to reorganize. " Maybe not so bad. Can we continue to fight, after all We fly an allied state border, which is obliged give us assistance. But in Romania should no longer be promised English and French of the machinery of which are already taking a few weeks left before the war, our specialists. You need to have after someone zau fans in the world, something to resist.

in the machine beside me even five people, as in all others. We did not want to leave mechanics at the mercy of fate. Clouds - low, below 100 m , and in places cling to the vertices benign MENT hills. This is the track. Left and right key pulled me pike, Ry, RWD-13 RWD-8. All of this reporting WIA escape the impression of animals from a burning forest.
Polish town Sniatyn passes for 200 meth Rach. When painted on the white-red barrier a long string of rail cars loaded ob military troops, baggage, women and children. "
Yes flew with the Polish last compact Polish air combat unit ...

Squadron schooling
evacuation orders are not likely to reach all Elk Małaszewicze database, which will be approximately ten there was still that day morning at airports up in the region of Galicia, and Pinsk, probably only six of them ingress ACKGROUND to Romania.

About 20 Elk are in Chernivtsi Romania fueled evening a small amount of fuel in preparation for the trip to the airport Iasi

Command Bomb Brigade, Colonel. Heller the head after a short night's sleep in Kossowie went at 8.00 Forged by the direction the Romanian border, which crossed at 13.00.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Microwave Recipes From Electrolux

17 September 16 September

on our eastern flank of the fell stroke of the Red Army six-strong army of up 600-650 thousand soldiers and more than 5000 tanks, divided into two fronts: Belarusian and Ukrainian . Authorities Soviet filled in this manner to determine the secret additional protocol to the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact .
Marshall Edward Rydz-Śmigły gave September 17 in Kuty so. general directive stating: the Soviets invaded. Commanding general withdrawal of Romania and Hungary shortest routes. The Bolsheviks did not fight, except in case of attack on their part, or attempt to disarm the troops. The task of Warsaw and other cities that had to defend themselves against the Germans - without changes. Cities to which they go Bolsheviks, should negotiate with them on departure garrisons to Hungary or Romania.

Squadron "Vulture"
Status: six machines capable of action.

X Division has twice received the order changed transition to the new airport (first to Zolochiv, later her to Worony).
platoon commander of the newly assigned liaison tion Lieutenant. dir Victor Pełka of Lieutenant. pil. Wladyslaw shopkeeper in the RWD-8 received the task of finding a new airport near Buczacz. During the exercise tion task spotted entering one of the Pol ski columns of the Red Army and landed beside her, to determine the intentions of the Russians. Lieutenant. Huckabee, who came out of the cab RWD, was by the soldiers napastni ChNPP army arrested a second lieutenant. Pelka, despite the firing of the weapons the infantry managed to take off, thus saving way of life. After returning to Gwoźdźca reported the accident to Lt.-Col. Werakso.
late afternoon before he left Dyon Gwoździec old, Lt. Col. Werakso liaison aircraft received a written order, General Ujejskiego immediate evacuation dyonu input to Chernivtsi in Romania. The order was made between the hours of 17.30 and 18.00
eight flew to Romania Elk X Division, and it den bomber - unable to fly - has been slept ny before resigning Gwoźdźca. P both the appeal departure to Romania X Dy wizjon had left in Gwoźdźcu two or three aircraft.
Throw Fan X Squadron moved with Luck to Krzemieniec. Then, after reaching Wisniowiec, was stopped and reversed back to Krzemieniec. With the city by Radziwill, Brody and Stanisławów reached Kolomyja. Near the train station in Kolomyja was shot by the Russians. He lost five men and one car, but managed to retreat towards the Romanian border. On the night of 18 to 19 September in Kuty passed in the territory of Romania.

Squadron "Hawk"
nine machines capable of fighting.
XV Squadron Commander Cpt. Cwynar the morning of September 17 noted with surprise the two keys mys 1-16 liwców flying near the airport (Soviet planes!). received orders immediate transfer XV Squadron on the south bank of the Dniester.
Elks were are ready for departure, the adjacent meadow was bombed by Soviet twin-engined bombers, and sent to the diagnosis of PWS-26 noted the presence of foreign troops 8 km east from the airport.
Cwynar ordered the immediate start of the identified Bohorodyczyn airport near Obertyn. Moose Cpt. Two machines had to be at the airport, destroyed them.

P / O. Bernas from 16 Squadron:
"Almost at dusk, after receiving orders, star tujemy the new airport in Sta Bohorodyczynie nisławowem. We are flying just over the hills. When we landed, Local population - several hundred people - came out en masse on the field. We are happy to help with mask Niu machines. They take us in a local school episode. It is everything your heart desires. After loons mood vanished in the warmth. "
Shortly after starting nine Elk XV Squadron flew to Buczacz Grzeszczak see the RWD-8 with an order to Gen. Ujejskiego, requesting the evacuation of aircraft ling of Romania.

So on this day squadrons Elk - the wrong airport, with no stocks of fuel and bombs, and without food - you will not convince the any combat missions.

experimental squadron ITL
Order evacuation to Romania took the three Elks Independent Testing Dyonu ITL Know cover for its assets in Czortków. On the morning of Sept. 17 landing Position in Czortków was bombed and the blade lane by Russian bombers, but none of the Elk it does not hurt. Shortly thereafter, after receiving the news of the approach to the city of the enemy armored column, started the evacuation. Under fire ro syjskich tanks failed to take off two aircraft . Last, the third of the aircraft, probably not even planted by the crew, was hit by a Russian tank and weave med at the airport.
One of the pilots of experimental ITL, Cpl. Mukowoz Leon, was arrested earlier in Żabczycach. September 17 morning he took off to join his unit in Czortków. The crew Moose znd \\ zi-li also Sergeant. Mech. Korczowski, Cpl. Martin and known Sgt. The aircraft was shot by Russian troops, and because of the damage and ending fuel forced landing in a field under Berestecz quite. The notes, found the pilot indicates that landed with the victims on board, the details are not known . Then, probably after the award will help your early crew members (bury the dead?) Mukowoz of Sergeant. Korczowskim took off again, but after the flight had switched dziesięciominutowym dować near the capital Peremyl Styre successfully du right engine failure Moose. there too, to not possible repair machinery and the threat of getting arrested by the Russians, pilots abandoned the plane. pilot managed to escape to Warsaw.
Moose One managed to escape with the help of pilots from 24 squadrons of crucian carp. Shortly after landing in Gwoźdźcu 24. Eskada ra was ordered to evacuate to Romania and evening all its machinery, among them Moose , flew to Chernivtsi.
In this way, at least 11 Elk reached niowce Jun 17 wrzes'nia evening.

Squadron instructional
Learner Bomb Squadron pilots who, after left of the front three Elks in Użyńcu, eye ACKGROUND 6:00 am flew from Żabczyc to Horodenki the subsequent aircraft. No sources only allows fragmentary reconstruction of events. It is known that a moose was shot from the ground ten minutes after taking off from Żabczyc, and then, once turn ny, in the area of \u200b\u200bEqual. Damaged plane landed shaft forced behind the Polish-Russian border, near the village of Yampol Bajmacz (about 40 miles southeast of Krzemieniec). According to the Russian I use the plane was armed only with a KaeM with reserves of 819 rounds.
airmen were imprisoned in the camp and in spring Kozielsk for 1940 was murdered by the Russians at Katyn; deg W Kołodziejek was eventually exempted ny, the fate of Cpl. Matusiak no messages.
second plane Learner Bomb Squadron during the flight was shot down south period and the entire crew was killed.
third pilot who returned from Użyńca, had to evacuate one of the Goodwill Moose . Due to an engine failure, however, the airmen had to postpone departure the next day.
few Elk kuowany eve of WP1 on 5 September, were in Dubno. evacuated personnel database Małaszewicze ny, which reached Horo crown on Sept. 14 crossed the Polish-Romanian pean around 13.00.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

31 Weeks Pregnancy And Black Bowl Movement's

That day XIX Panzer Corps in the area closed Chelm surrounded the Polish forces, linking up with the advancing German units south XXII Armoured Corps Army in 1914.
German command executed the same plan of encirclement of the Polish forces which are between the Vistula and Bug dual front lap while German units located near Lviv was to prevent the withdrawal of Polish forces, who managed to break through outside front lap with the task of organizing planned defense (so-called Romanian przedmościa ) based on allied Romania and delivery of weapons through its territory. Attempts to break through an army of Krakow and Lublin failed.

Squadron "Vulture"

He had that day, about six efficient Elk.
X Aircraft Squadron flew in the morning with Wieliczka each of the identified nails airport the previous day-old child near Horodecki, a circular projection shifted from Luck to Krzemieniec. Dyon no fuel, no bombs and no roll pie not made sorties.

Squadron "Hawk"

Gifted Elk actions were only ten.
Early in the morning six Elk 16th Squadron with the addition kowymi fuel tanks and additional crew members (five-crew) has launched two key the bombing of the enemy armor Włodawa flight to Buczacz.

Relation Wenceslas Oyrzanowskiego:
"alien machine going. The remains of 210 too. Poury important bridges. With 211 Squadron remained only a Moose. robbin Wheeler. Dorniery still overhead. Bombard Kovel and Holoby. [... ] Start. Cwynar is upset, start damn long. The fire is returned, raids on a ska artillery. Przykorski calm in the air, as an observer I admired him. It annoys the pilot, this raids wrong. I am calm, I try to be useful, observation wuję air. Sagittarius top lieutenant that can not cope with a rifle. Fog, fires.
Brody. Landing in Buczacz. Airport under the dog. masking. Mechanics diverge. "

Relation noted. Bernas:
"In the morning we started from Wie lick to have him never to return. We took the bomb. From Brest Kovel goes large column of armored on what we said yesterday the diagnosis of PWS'ach. We fly in good weather. In Brest own artillery shooting at us, small arms. In Ma łaszewiczach at the airport, we see a lot of holes on the boom bach. Before the hangars a few machines and nothing more. Flying my south, towards Włodawa. Reaching far into Włodawa, we get a strong fire of our anti-aircraft artillery. For us there are no targets for bombing. We go further. Grab the armored column entrance to the forest, on a bend of the road. Have chosen a larger grouping . I toss and turn immediately, observing the effect. Again, an air raid, I cast again - so nine times. By the patronage of the mechanics will receive Lem 9 bombs today, ie more than others. The effects are, as evidenced the blurring of hands by the lower shoot ca. About the bombing of the Italian radio said later: Poles fly over German speakers as polygon. They do prescribed raids, despite the forces ny enemy fire, as if it was not war, but the exercises.
polecielis'my After the bombing at the new airport near Buczacz . It is tiny and very difficult, but the lice Elks work, all sat down brilliantly. Location reportedly Surprise kojna, armed gangs roam the Ukrainians. Last night I burned the private jet travel standing at our airport. We await further orders. You are here-we are completely without supplies. Probably metastases ca us in another place. "

carp with three other squadrons flew on an expedition to the area Hrubieszow late morning. Three after have become Elks 17th Fighter Squadron went straight to Bucha-time.
Moose, which received shot in the frame of the engine 5 September, during its second operational flight NEGO and did not perform any tasks from now on, crashed, landing on a small and very inadequate airport near Buczacz .. throw pie XV Squadron, Featuring only the 17-disabled car, also went to Bu czacza. About 300 soldiers dyonu, which have not been able to take marching orders received transport foot. Cwynar was sent after them first six unloaded trucks and wanted to Buczacz wystać next, but further accidents are prevented - both cars and were marching on stopped by the Red Army ...
At 6.00 to the Goodwill in Pinsk came from the three pilots Żabczyc Learner Bomb Squadron, who were to accompany the 222nd aircraft (221st?) To XV Squadron Squadron: Lieutenant. Lieutenant. Leszek Kaminski, Michal Sobanski and Lucian Brzozowski. After check-in at the lieutenant commander of the group. obs. Kolanowskiego discussing tactics and the flight was off. In difficult conditions, with strong fog, flew Elks to Lutsk, and thence to Użyńca and landed on a flight Nisku occupied by the 24th Squadron crucian carp. In urban scu airmen learned that they have to go to the south of Horodenki, where the X-Dyon and check with Lt.-Col. Werakso. Due to lack of fuel Kolanowski decided that Elks temporarily remain in Użyńcu, and another plane pilots fly away (Fok- kerem?) To Żabczyc the next three bombers. About him field of 7.30, before leaving Użyńca, they received from the Lieutenant. Kolanowskiego command to the the next flight flew directly to the transport Horo denki. Soon after, the airport has reached Użyńcu Cpt. Eng. Wiórkiewicz the ITL with a team of specialists from the PZL. They have removed the elk vulnerabilities armed machine, and loaded ammunition, antitank landers and odor lishing. Sam Kolanowski went by car to the Dub- for the purpose of obtaining fuel for their machines. Elks from gave temporary custody of the 24th Squadron.
Bomb Command Brigade left the White eye ACKGROUND hours by 5.00 and Trembowla - Chortkiv at was in the evening to Zaleszczyki.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Birthday Invitation Wording From Cars The Movie

Bzura Germans introduced a new lightweight motorized divisions and strengthen aviation bomber. Polish Air Force in the region virtually did not exist and there was no chance for air support for our troops.
Brest Fortress was surrounded.
enemy slowly severed us from the south, Polish units preventing escape to Romania.
Bzura still fought in the Warsaw and Hel.
still struggling in the air.

Squadron "Vulture"
Seven efficient and able to fight Elk stock. They brought one unarmed Moose of Pinsk as supplement. X Division any combat operations did not perform that day. At the request of Lt.-Col. Werakso the squadron was split in liaison platoon, consisting of three RWD-8.
That day made a flight.

Squadron "Hawk"
That day was eleven efficient machines.
Two Elks took off in the morning to attack the Germans on the route (Zamosc-Lviv). Along the way, flying along the railway tracks have been Elks fired heavy fire
PLA, unfortunately, the Polish troops. The shelling was the customs, one of the elk began to burn. Machines could not be saved, crashed nearby, only one crew member is saved.
Moose made a second diagnosis, preset tracking a long column of Germans on the road.
morning flight three key Elk Golf bodies with the task of bombing of German armored weapons in Radom. Because of problems with finding to talk to (mist) Key has a column of German bombing in the region (Volyn Włodzi of measure - Sokal). Attack to succeed. Aircraft returned to base without loss.
afternoon of that day over the airport bomb squad swept the German, but fortunately it was not likely to have bombs and ammunition. Not dropped or a charge, but it was clear that coming back here soon. Elks were indeed very well hidden, but the Germans certainly noticed a landing P7.
She fell decision to postpone the squadrons of the new airport, Buchacz. Over the elks came Swabian reconnaissance aircraft and sniffed purposes.
Cwynar went to the mills to seek brigade headquarters, but he did not find him there. Temporary headquarters sem reached late in the evening division Ternopil and stopped for the night in the town of White wa. Upon his return to the Wieliczka Salt Cwynar had no within your load bombs all usable with Latvia August and prepare them for the morning to share and change the airport.

Goodwill Evening in the Pinsk received orders to prepare three Elk, formally belonging probably to 221 Squadron and the flight to the mills or Użyńca (depending on the capabilities of landing tion) to provide machinery for the XV Squadron. Squadron pilots had to provide instructional Bombo important. In each of the planes, which were armed in a machine gun, he had also found a mechanic and a row of service.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Personalized Leather Bracelets Business

September 15 September 14 September 13

Squadron "Vulture"
X That day the squadron had seven elk are able to fight.

X Squadron had to move temporarily to fly low Wielicka, recognizing, and bombarding the enemy through the armored units in the area of \u200b\u200bSokal - The Majesty - Hrubieszów. Due to the morning fog Dyon task is not performed, but around 10:00 am began start single aircraft directly to the Wieliczka.
managed to find gasoline, which was intended to have Allied aircraft to land there.
As soon as the weather cleared, a single moose started to recognize the vicinity of Brest on the Bug. Engine failure and fog made it difficult to detect, but it worked.
Moments later, the enemy detected key Elk flew to bomb it. Indeed, the met tended to very dense fog, but it just helped our pilots. Germany badly rated speed Elk and fired a machine with a bad patch, bullets flew far behind our aircraft. Soon after, the Elks were on target: the pre-detected metal boxes, they were Swabian tanks! Immediately after the first bombs flew. Immediately afterwards reiterated koszącymi raid attacks. To join the game "puppies", with its rate of fire 1,200 rounds per minute ravaged ranks of the Germans.
not ended with an attack, and immediately improved the Elks next attack, which specifically left a few more bombs. This time, almost caressing the tops of the wings of trees!
Germany conducted a murderous attack by enraged fire, which prevented further meaningful attack and the Elks had to leave this goal.
Unfortunately, one of Elk shot too badly to continue the fight had to turn back to base. Engines worked less and less stable, in the end it turned out that they do not do without a forced landing. The machine landed in the village Mukoszyn, far from Wieliczka!
airmen removed "puppy" of the cabin, for the defense, were forced be so until the next day.

Squadron "Hawk"
Recognition XV Squadron, conducted by WE RE you in the Brest region - Biala Podlaska - Lublin, not brought results. Crew cf obs. Jerome saddle-kiego (pilot Cpl. Stefan Tomicki) from 17th Squadron at elk 72,210 without taking off the bomb load is not obtained satisfactory applicant enjoys the visibility of the land, despite zejś
small amount and after an hour and 20 minutes, switch back has cleared at the airport with engine running irregularly.
Despite the fog and lack of recognition, Cwynar decided to lead an expedition bomber in the form of key trzysamolotowego 16th Squadron. Crew: Capt. obs. Wladyslaw Dukszto, pilot Cpt. Stanislaw Cwynar, Lieutenant. obs. Casimir Bernas, Sergeant pilot. Stanislaus Klo- ovsky the elk 72193, cf obs. Peter Smith, Flight Lieutenant pi. Victor Wojcieszek, gunmen Cpl. Cpl. Roman Rosolowski and Marian Grzelak on 72,183 elk "F", you took off around 9.00 am on the bombing bro armor than the area of \u200b\u200bLublin - Krasnik, taking eight bombs of 110 kg each. Flying at an altitude of 100 meters, crossing the line after the key strategic Bug visibility earth pressure and was not able to detect the enemy. aircraft turned back towards the so Zamosc and zbom bardowały cleared a small motorized column, and then again tried unsuccessfully to reach the Lublin region in order to identify clusters enemy for a possible next trip. For logos Smith then lost contact with key and got lost in the Polesie. If you run out of fuel Moose 72183 "F" forcibly landed near the village of Mukoszyn Koszyrskiego Stone in the region. Fruitless attempts to acquire gasoline forced the crew to leave the bomber.
Rosołowski Roman Relation:
"designated for the task of the crew gathered for a briefing in the woods. We had one start, collecting in the air and npla bomb from a height of 2500 m , dropping four bombs 100 kilograms. Then ny raid was to take place at a height of 200 m to shed further 4 bombs and firing of weapons npla board.
were to take off three Elks. key commander was Cpt. Cwynar. I flew in prawoskrzydłowej machine. For vodka my crew was cf. obs. Smith, Cadet pilot. Wojcieszek, the second scorer Cpl. Grzelak.
took off at 6.30 am. Zamosc proceed to take place above the clouds. We did not know, however, what is the cloud base, because we had no weather message. Between machines maintained waliśmy radiotelephony communications. Everyone will try Year celebration, started for the earphones from his colleagues, who flew
arriving in Zamosc, saw the explosions after pushbuttons flak which tore the above the clouds, but very far from us. We knew that the Germans start shooting at us. Clouds began to tear. However, we did not find the road. started to circulate in order to find. After several minutes of highway had been found. Only now noticed the mass of the tanks.
Captain Cwynar orders seemed to have - the pilots, rate of fire. Observers prepare for the dropping of bombs present. Scorers to km - loaded into the fire continued. My co-pointed I knowingly sky, I saw the fighters. Grzelak was already at the bottom position. Bombs have gone. Immediately after this zo has issued the following order: - go down to 200 m, dischar sanctify the other bomb and strafe.
Elks immediately went into a dive bar and very high speed przebiliśmy clouds, quite far from the target . The pilots went back to the course of fire. I do not know why we went koszącym flight. We actually require igniters 400 m, because at a lower height destruction was likely to splinter its own machine.
When the forest behind the jump at the road, once we have received extremely heavy fire from artillery FOR IN ciwlotniczej and armored vehicles, which had pushed for highway. Panic among the Germans, we also would liśmy strongly excited. Probably due to strong fire him from the ground, and also because of the small amount of flight or one of three observers did not threw bombs. Only shooters ran frantic fire. In the meantime me swapped with Grzelakiem to constitute a any fire, because I preferred to shoot from the bottom. Lem saw here very clearly tanks with crosses, and above all, missiles streaking from the ground. The road was wet in the rain .
Captain Cwynar and lewoskrzydłowa machine than rushed from npla and disappeared into the clouds. Meanwhile, my pilot, not having received any orders, continue to stick to the road. At one point, flying over the school courtyard, we saw a few teen standing on the German car. Woj cieszek gave his hand to the observer. However, this does not bombs thrown . At the same time Grzelak leg kicks me

and screaming that we have shot through the left tail direction directional. Podczołgałem So the pilot that he is communicate. Cadet knew, however, that we hit as he walked Moose longer traverse and not allowed to reach the derived from it.
We had to break away from the highway. We went over the clouds and look around for other elks. Ni who did not see. We decide to return to base. Observer draws in large letters and the return rate forward it to the pilot. But after some time changes it. It turns out that he lost his orientation. In this situation, the Ensign, seeing a railway line, he wants to change course. Jed however observers disagree. We lost to suspend in whole not. After a long time, we find that We are in the area of \u200b\u200bmarshes. It starts low on fuel for us. Due to insistence observer pilot decides to land in order to find out where we are. We run only on the vessel downcomer. Zrzuciliśmy over how bombs bear wetlands and cutting down the tops of the pines, Habitats we without any damage. During the landing, I stood with Grzelakiem the back, clinging to me kichś handles. The first wheels hit the ground resulted in tearing them up.
running to us peasants and worsted łapciach shirts. Armed with sticks. We learn from them that we are in the area near the village Mukoszyn

Koszyrski stone. These people for the first time in my life seen from near the Polish plane. Cadet Wojcieszek know Ukrainian, so we agreed quickly. On EDUCATION Moose oxen dragged on more nada ing ascent to the pasture.
We wanted to communicate with the base by radio wa, but during the landing were broken antenna. Not driftet machine, because we were afraid received at the local urban population. Marching through the village of Polish troops have promised to provide us with gasoline, which is similar no lie somewhere near the forests. Nadcho been confirmed slow night.
Zdemontowaliśmy 'Puppies' for eventual self-defense, pościeliliśmy himself in a haystack, and the we took the bite of pumpkin seeds, because we were afraid to eat anything else that we buy. Although we had one tin of canned meat MENT hidden in gas masks, but the post nowiliśmy leave them for later.
watched all night. Morning came to us born on Polish settlers, and warned us against the local population Wa. This family went to eat in turn. Observer Kowalski, in spite of our persuasion, went to the village to send a telephone message to the Wieliczka. Not Unfortunately, no more returned. I do not know what happened to him happen. Stepped up our vigilance 29

waiting for the promised gasoline rozpłataliśmy wing, so that you can pre-fill the tanks. Unfortunately, around noon, we received news that gasoline is, but the car. The officers, who we gave it comforted us, however, that in the village of Great Hłusza, 20 km north-west, are sy odor of gasoline. Corporal Grzelak decided to go on after localizing cf. Kowalski. He did not return as well. When puszczaliśmy, he was murdered-" a .
night of 16 to 17 September we spent just the two of Wojcieszkiem cadet. 17 week pilot decentralized ded at the start of the Great Hłuszy. gasolines should be enough to for a few minutes of flight. Because of the risk Wojcieszek offered to fly alone. not agreed and we started together, in the direction of kazanym us by a native. After 3-4 minutes of flight per uważyliśmy village full of soldiers. Our appearance be greeted by tossing their caps and waving hands. We landed behind the village.
Gasoline was once again the car. Wojciechowski shek brought further news of the turbulent to the local costume Ukrainian nationalists. Soldiers fed us soup and withdrew in the evening. Again settlers warned us. Somehow the pilot contacted the co misariatem police. To evacuate, and of course I could not give us any help. The police advised us If, however, we would not have stayed in the area.
In this situation, we decided to destroy Moose. But we could not burn it down, because there was no gasoline in it . Postrzelaliśmy so the 'puppies' engines and all the vital parts, parachutes and we podarliś . Machine guns brought with us, " 31 .

afternoon, Sept. 14 17th Squadron dozbroiła with much who hardly two of the three received September 12 the twentieth Squadron Moose. In addition, one Moose receive wa 16th Squadron. Lieutenant. Szymanski:
"from Brest, download the four new machines. Not equipped. Equip, we combine. I take out the Bison compass, wire, screwed on the machine. Mouth Wiam cauldron 'by eye'. Compensation, laughter worth

Command Brigade went to Vladimir 3.00 an hour by Luck and Mills to Kolomyja by issuing orders against this move Elk in the region Buczacz, possibly to Chernivtsi. The order to dy- firing came in the morning. The High Command of Aviation Kolomyja intend to issue an order re-reorganization of aviation, a unit of Elk were to receive further six operational orders from the Brigade Headquarters in the mill- keepers. In practice, however, command communications with the units has been broken and dyony Elk da operated hopper on their own.
Dyony order transition to Buczacz not perform Ly. Werakso wrote in his report that, faced with no knowledge within the prescribed area of \u200b\u200bthe site at any giving to the airport for Elk and fears that there will be no fuel, no bomb, he decided to stay in the know-licku to the availability of gasoline to continue continue wac fight. However, both dyony joined the search for more suitable airports within the prescribed area, using an own RWD and other aircraft escaping from a few days to Wielicka and causing dangerous congestion on that Szym airport.
In addition to PWS
, RWD and school crucian carp to the Wieliczka Salt also attended several P.7 of Deblin and proto types P.46 Sum and P. 1 lg Kobuz. The latter, landing, for haczył wing of Sum, damaging his tail. With a P.7 fighters and hobby, Cpt. Laguna organized airport security, allocating renovated in Wielicku hobby see Henry Szczęsnemu. For the first time since the beginning of Elks received when defending hunting EWS the airport. See Felix during the two flights because jowych managed to shoot down two German aircraft. During the second flight was slightly wounded in the leg, but after a short , probably one or two days of input break again sat at the controls of a fighter.
Relation Wenceslas Oyrzanowskiego:
"Lieutenant Felix on Kobusiu precipitated before after łudniem Dornier. He was jealous of Laguna. Observing

eat from the ground, passed up. Lands, says that there wi department. Then he flew some 'Corporal - nothing. Every time the fuel supplement and ammunition. In the afternoon flies Szczesny, one cleans up again, but no space viously leg.
Relation Casimir Bernas:
"At our airport are raided every possible Molotov - crucian carp, Bison, PWS ' Facilities, RWD'eków, PZL. Cwynar swear, what the world stands. He is afraid that these szwendające endlessly betray the location of aircraft our airport. Previously he was a relative calm. The only consolation that flew a SUM and a KO BUZ. collided during taxiing is true, but it is mechanics repaired it quickly, so that morning were ready. SUM is superb. Equip him hastily. hobby will serve as a defense airport. It is the only machine dynamic candidate out of the fray. Even to the chase. Mechanics walk around her like the own NYM child. Evening [15 September - editor. TKL lieutenant returned. Peter Smith from the Casimir- Koszyr State where the land forcibly from the lack of fuel. rest of the crew remained on the plane. The morning is likely to send the car mechanics and gasoline mixture , but not too sure, because gasoline is not enough. crew probably will be lost to us. "
September 14 has been completed evacuation Elk of Prużan (Kuplin). One XX Moose Squadron crashed Hutniki at the airport. In the early afternoon, shortly after arriving to Hutnik crucian VI Squadron, to fly low it come the next few Elk the twentieth Independent Squadron Squadron and Experimental NEGO. During the bombing of the airport by nine aircraft Hutniki For 17Z of III / KG 76, which began ACKGROUND up at 14.50 and annihilated flying equipment Division VI, also destroyed a few (two?) Elk XX Division and two Elks Independent Dy wizjonu Experimental.
221st Squadron, having six Elk at the airport in the region of Pinsk, were ordered to move the three bombings which to the area of \u200b\u200bmills, the airport Użyniec, intended lurking them as a supplement to Bomb Brigade.