on our eastern flank of the fell stroke of the Red Army six-strong army of up 600-650 thousand soldiers and more than 5000 tanks, divided into two fronts: Belarusian and Ukrainian . Authorities Soviet filled in this manner to determine the secret additional protocol to the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact .
Marshall Edward Rydz-Śmigły gave September 17 in Kuty so. general directive stating: the Soviets invaded. Commanding general withdrawal of Romania and Hungary shortest routes. The Bolsheviks did not fight, except in case of attack on their part, or attempt to disarm the troops. The task of Warsaw and other cities that had to defend themselves against the Germans - without changes. Cities to which they go Bolsheviks, should negotiate with them on departure garrisons to Hungary or Romania.
Squadron "Vulture"
Status: six machines capable of action.
X Division has twice received the order changed transition to the new airport (first to Zolochiv, later her to Worony).
platoon commander of the newly assigned liaison tion Lieutenant. dir Victor Pełka of Lieutenant. pil. Wladyslaw shopkeeper in the RWD-8 received the task of finding a new airport near Buczacz. During the exercise tion task spotted entering one of the Pol ski columns of the Red Army and landed beside her, to determine the intentions of the Russians. Lieutenant. Huckabee, who came out of the cab RWD, was by the soldiers napastni ChNPP army arrested a second lieutenant. Pelka, despite the firing of the weapons the infantry managed to take off, thus saving way of life. After returning to Gwoźdźca reported the accident to Lt.-Col. Werakso.
late afternoon before he left Dyon Gwoździec old, Lt. Col. Werakso liaison aircraft received a written order, General Ujejskiego immediate evacuation dyonu input to Chernivtsi in Romania. The order was made between the hours of 17.30 and 18.00
eight flew to Romania Elk X Division, and it den bomber - unable to fly - has been slept ny before resigning Gwoźdźca. P both the appeal departure to Romania X Dy wizjon had left in Gwoźdźcu two or three aircraft.
Throw Fan X Squadron moved with Luck to Krzemieniec. Then, after reaching Wisniowiec, was stopped and reversed back to Krzemieniec. With the city by Radziwill, Brody and Stanisławów reached Kolomyja. Near the train station in Kolomyja was shot by the Russians. He lost five men and one car, but managed to retreat towards the Romanian border. On the night of 18 to 19 September in Kuty passed in the territory of Romania.
Squadron "Hawk"
nine machines capable of fighting.
XV Squadron Commander Cpt. Cwynar the morning of September 17 noted with surprise the two keys mys 1-16 liwców flying near the airport (Soviet planes!). received orders immediate transfer XV Squadron on the south bank of the Dniester.
Elks were are ready for departure, the adjacent meadow was bombed by Soviet twin-engined bombers, and sent to the diagnosis of PWS-26 noted the presence of foreign troops 8 km east from the airport.
Cwynar ordered the immediate start of the identified Bohorodyczyn airport near Obertyn. Moose Cpt. Two machines had to be at the airport, destroyed them.
P / O. Bernas from 16 Squadron:
"Almost at dusk, after receiving orders, star tujemy the new airport in Sta Bohorodyczynie nisławowem. We are flying just over the hills. When we landed, Local population - several hundred people - came out en masse on the field. We are happy to help with mask Niu machines. They take us in a local school episode. It is everything your heart desires. After loons mood vanished in the warmth. "
Shortly after starting nine Elk XV Squadron flew to Buczacz Grzeszczak see the RWD-8 with an order to Gen. Ujejskiego, requesting the evacuation of aircraft ling of Romania.
So on this day squadrons Elk - the wrong airport, with no stocks of fuel and bombs, and without food - you will not convince the any combat missions.
experimental squadron ITL
Order evacuation to Romania took the three Elks Independent Testing Dyonu ITL Know cover for its assets in Czortków. On the morning of Sept. 17 landing Position in Czortków was bombed and the blade lane by Russian bombers, but none of the Elk it does not hurt. Shortly thereafter, after receiving the news of the approach to the city of the enemy armored column, started the evacuation. Under fire ro syjskich tanks failed to take off two aircraft . Last, the third of the aircraft, probably not even planted by the crew, was hit by a Russian tank and weave med at the airport.
One of the pilots of experimental ITL, Cpl. Mukowoz Leon, was arrested earlier in Żabczycach. September 17 morning he took off to join his unit in Czortków. The crew Moose znd \\ zi-li also Sergeant. Mech. Korczowski, Cpl. Martin and known Sgt. The aircraft was shot by Russian troops, and because of the damage and ending fuel forced landing in a field under Berestecz quite. The notes, found the pilot indicates that landed with the victims on board, the details are not known . Then, probably after the award will help your early crew members (bury the dead?) Mukowoz of Sergeant. Korczowskim took off again, but after the flight had switched dziesięciominutowym dować near the capital Peremyl Styre successfully du right engine failure Moose. there too, to not possible repair machinery and the threat of getting arrested by the Russians, pilots abandoned the plane. pilot managed to escape to Warsaw.
Moose One managed to escape with the help of pilots from 24 squadrons of crucian carp. Shortly after landing in Gwoźdźcu 24. Eskada ra was ordered to evacuate to Romania and evening all its machinery, among them Moose , flew to Chernivtsi.
In this way, at least 11 Elk reached niowce Jun 17 wrzes'nia evening.
Squadron instructional
Learner Bomb Squadron pilots who, after left of the front three Elks in Użyńcu, eye ACKGROUND 6:00 am flew from Żabczyc to Horodenki the subsequent aircraft. No sources only allows fragmentary reconstruction of events. It is known that a moose was shot from the ground ten minutes after taking off from Żabczyc, and then, once turn ny, in the area of \u200b\u200bEqual. Damaged plane landed shaft forced behind the Polish-Russian border, near the village of Yampol Bajmacz (about 40 miles southeast of Krzemieniec). According to the Russian I use the plane was armed only with a KaeM with reserves of 819 rounds.
airmen were imprisoned in the camp and in spring Kozielsk for 1940 was murdered by the Russians at Katyn; deg W Kołodziejek was eventually exempted ny, the fate of Cpl. Matusiak no messages.
second plane Learner Bomb Squadron during the flight was shot down south period and the entire crew was killed.
third pilot who returned from Użyńca, had to evacuate one of the Goodwill Moose . Due to an engine failure, however, the airmen had to postpone departure the next day.
few Elk kuowany eve of WP1 on 5 September, were in Dubno. evacuated personnel database Małaszewicze ny, which reached Horo crown on Sept. 14 crossed the Polish-Romanian pean around 13.00.
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