For Elk Bomb Brigade being a day najinten sywniejszych September 4 action. They have done no links samolotozadań 16 (14 Squadron "vulture" and two squadron "Hawk"), presumably dropping about 18 tons of bombs the loss of two bombers.
Status squadron that day was at 1910 Elk true, but only six were fit to fight.
X Division was to identify and bombard the area of \u200b\u200bVladimir - Zamosc - Jarosław - Lviv.
At 5.00 made the diagnosis in the vicinity of the (Radymno Yavoriv-Kra- kowiec), where he found the German column. After a two-hour flight returned to the airport, with no losses.
Around 6.00 Gnojnie landed in an airplane that from 8 September Ułężu stayed in and only after changing the tire was able to return to his unit. Before FOR IN Gnojna flight to his own initiative in the new airmen podwiesili your bombs and after the start of the German attack Ułęż Kozienice column on the highway - Radom, throwing bombs and shooting at her!
Around 8:00 three Elks took off on a combat task. Aircraft took off together, but after reaching CIU to split up and individually, from different high COMPONENTS bombed a column. After dropping bombs by our bombers over the target appeared in five Messer- schmittów Bf 109 The German machine moved for elks in the chase. two Messerschmitt attacked one Moose and shot down after a long fight it. Burning pol ski plane crashed when trying to land between the Old Charytanami and crumb the Radymno. Ca wa crew perished. The winner turned out to be the commander German formation, Hptm. Gentzen 23 .
Resident Charytan Stanislaw Puzio described the last moments of Polish bomber:
"I was in a field near the house, mowing silage for cattle. People in the surrounding fields grazed kro you. Suddenly the sound of shots came Radymno. Radymno saw the black clouds of exploding ki, which was surrounded by some tiny black points, now I know that there were bursts of flak. After a while, there came the roar of explosions - sa moloty column dropped a bomb attack. Not a moment passed when Radymno flew from the aircraft. He was bigger, perform speed corners, and around him uwijały be attacking from the top two smaller planes. When a pilot flew over the hamlet of Bucks, both powerful kow belched smoke and fire. German planes will BRIEFINGS him and ignited. Polish pilot descended lower and lower, the goats hat fell to the ground The guide, you could see holes in the structure. Pilot made a turn over the forest wanting to avoid tree and came under attack all the time on the plane meadow called. 'Kamionka'. The machine struck the ground and exploded on the Stanislaus buffalo with such force that the detached tail lay a few yards from the hull .
immediately began nadbiegać Miękisz old people, and I ran. You could not do anything, because strong fire took the whole wreck. Besides I saw the bodies of two airmen - corporals - lying side by side thy professional soldiers to the ground with parachutes on their backs. "
between 15.00 and 17.00, three other Elks have made yet another raid on a column of smoke Ra. All machines carry BRIEFINGS task and returned to Gnojna, although a Moose was attacked - unsuccessfully - by mieckie fighters.
afternoon, the crew of one of the machines you she died in a patrol flight near the airport. Managed in addition to the two arm Elks.
squadron had about 11 elk, but only five were capable of sorties.
aim of this day was the bomb two key groupings my armor to the south Bzura in the region of Rawa Mazowiecka - Birchwood. Probably two-flight (most likely) Key not found goal and threw a bomb in a field.
During the start of tri-key 17th flight Eskada rice at a Moose fell into a ditch przeciwodłamkowego and was severely broken. Other bombers successfully performed the task in spite of extremely tensywnego fire defense PLA. Machines returned very wounding miraculously escaped Rifles survived because they were double-cab przestrzelone the outlet.
Command Brigade left Brest about hours ny 2.00 at night, piercing with great difficulty by Kovel - Volyn Lutsk to Vladimir, where arrived late in the afternoon. After check in at the Supreme Headquarters Aviation Heller delivered before midnight operational orders for the next day, covering including having the diagnosis and bombing areas Ita dzimierz - Zamosc - Jarosław - Lviv.
Given a appreciable signs of lack of gasoline in ny dyonowi Heller told everyone to send the same income of 20 empty barrels to the assembly point near Vladimir. Morning of September 13, this column went to to Brest, which was already under attack from the behavior du by German troops, were married there and spread gasoline noiselessly carried to dyonów.
The secondary airports in the region of Pinsk FOR IN conducted inspections and repair of aircraft. In some elk managed to fix faulty Castles bomb. Rushed in the evening, oil and fuel, BAB, unfortunately, that too unfit for Elk.
Evacuation Małaszewicze database was completed at 6.00. The base remained only a few people port company, who had done the damage appliances and equipment.
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