counterattack Army "Pomerania" and "Classifieds" rejected two German divisions and a third crashed. Unfortunately, virtually everywhere else already dominated by Germany. Air Force bomber running away, but increasingly begins to play the role of the so-called. Ułańska fantasy, contact the leadership is getting worse.
Squadron "Vulture":
At about 5.00 X (210) Squadron, perform a task recognizing: the column of the enemy armor and truck traffic of approximately 25 km, which face the went to Yaroslavl, destroyed bridges on the Sanaa in I rosławiu; large grouping of vehicles south of Radymno; large rolling stock is on the line Radymno - Jaroslaw.
At 8.00 the Gnojna has launched five Elk 11th Squadron to bomb diagnosed ko uprights armor. Our airmen bombed and fired from the air units of the German second mowing Armored Division on the march on the road Jaroslaw - Przeworsk - Examples include the meldując good performance fee to and scattering the enemy. They found that the bridge Radymno is all the way and observed eight assault Hs 123 biplanes in flight in the direction of Yaroslavl.
afternoon, at 17.00, the crew of the 11th Squadron was posted be re-examined area (Przeworsk-celebrities-Jaro Przemyśl).
After the diagnosis, and dropping bombs on the German crossing of the San our machine for industry headed the home airport. At the time of the aircraft, nadla tując side Przeworsk approached Yaroslavl, was attacked by three German fighters Bf 109 from I / ZG second After a long struggle, which was witnessed by you Yaroslavl residents and the surrounding area, the plane caught fire and fell to the ground under Pawłosiów. Jump with a parachute to rescue the injured and burn: pilot Lieutenant. Przywara Flight and gunner Cpl. Zielinski, whose while sinking the German pilots have fired the weapon board. Two pilots suffered kept by this death!
participant's relationship to flight, x-ray gunner Joseph Zie lińskiego:
"In the afternoon, our team has been tasked with the agony you reconnaissance flight in the vicinity of an early boom bardowania. After refueling, munitions and, as Have dorazowo, bombs, took off, unfortunately for him the last flight. The weather was glorious due to the large visibility, but the total turned out to be bezchmurność tragic for us. As usual we flew at an altitude of over 2000 meters, which gave us a guarantee of safe flight, because the light anti-aircraft artillery, which had German armored column was in such a situation ineffective. I remember that in the area of \u200b\u200bIndustrial la German observers discovered a passage in Sana'a ordered and made effective bom bards, and then twice attacked FOR IN of German shelling it mowing the flight.
After nabraniu of departure and I was busy giving the Marriage radio, transmitted by an observer at the home airport. At some point I realized that reflects the rifleman Eddie Kobyliński series with a machine gun. For the first time Szym thought that this is a series of trials to maintain readiness weapons (yes, they practiced LO). However, when re-shots, I noticed that Eddie is made up shooting. Already at this point realized that began struggle. Interrupted service radio station, I looked out the rear position to handle Eddie and I saw two does not mieckie Me-109, which prepared to attack back. Immediately I took the bottom position of the shooter heavy, which unfortunately was a complete lack of visibility attacking fighters. Because we knew the set su training that a lone 'Moose' which is the easiest lem when they attack back, left or right, is why it agreed I was with the text tools as the top position who had a thorough review of the situation, he informs me, hitting the legs, which side should I expect attack. So it has been the struggle continues and wa about 10-15 minutes. Pilot Staszek Przywara, who was previously racial and trained fighter pilot was active until a certain piloting 'Elk' , a number of maneuvers and evolutions tried to walk down the line of fire fighters attacking smokers. The advantage, however, was their total and probably can be confident that they can not escape, the more that had the speed advantage over us.
retrospect and analyze the wal ki, I am grateful to the pilot Staszek that it is not degraded ded to escape koszącym flight, and left me a chance rescue parachute jump. Today, I'm sure that he was aware that the losing is inevitable. And so it happened. At some point, I received a blow from Edzia in the back, bar very vague as to the direction of attack. Rose and saw that Eddie is back on the floor of the airplane, and his neck, blood gushes heart rhythm. I looked for another top position once again seeing the fighters. At this point I turned to check the height at which we find ourselves. For uważyłem then, that the tank light, know dujący up behind the pilot is lit and the pilot can know ki hand, which was an order to leave the aircraft here, or jump with a parachute.
parachute and fastened so quickly proceeded to do the jump. I had to go through the upper the firing, which had no permanent guard and swoop to the left or right side. Yes I did, however, the same sliding off the harness caught spadochronowymi about the motor machine gun him, remaining in position upside down alongside same flight out. At this point, I was poparzo ny flames burning right engine. Feeling that the pilot still reigns over the machine, I came back, still situations without back into the plane. Even earlier than I felt that I was shot, because the right side of jumbo fruit and began to embrace the inertia of the arm and I felt, that bleeding. Reiterating jump, I remembered about it, so right hand grabbed the handle of the parachute on his chest, because I realized that after the jump malfunction on hand could not grasp the handle. The second jump after perform differently constituted. I went to the hull or aircraft and astride, like a horse, moved to the back, intending to break away from the machine with you Lu, at the controls. Unfortunately, the rush of air or the fluctuations of the burning aircraft dropped me from the hull, for which rhyme I found myself in the middle of its length and at the moment lost my memory and consciousness.
Recovery of consciousness occurred at the time open up the canopy, which is now
followed by a very strong jolt. Broken forehead that bleed over the right eye, only confirmed me in agony FOR IN that was the strength of wind and aircraft tilt here thrown to the rear wheel and they hit on the volume carbon, which led to unconsciousness. The opening of the parachute, to whom I owe life, caused Smithfield 's farms centrifugal force of a hand holding the handle, because certainly my body during koziołkowało spa cuisine. Regaining consciousness, I found that time First parachute opens properly. When you look around proaching around, I noticed that the earth is burning same flight, in the distance I noticed a second canopy parachute. Wie department so that two crew members jumped, that Eddie Kobyliński wounded remained in the machine, I had certainty. I did not know just who saves the second parachute. This was a pilot Staszek Przywara, who gave know about you, when I lay in hospital in Yaroslavl. So remaining in the second observation plane was Lieutenant track. Edmund Mrozowski.
during descent by parachute to a German machine circled around me and the other around a second- tracting parachute. In the distance I saw clouds of dust produced ride motorcycles. I did not know just whether enemy or his own people. Sinking to the ground near the burning plane, I realized that wylądu them close to the wreck. Upon contact with the earth got rid a parachute and wanted approaches are burning gate. However, noticing the people running from the village, headed in their direction. I notice that they show high aggressiveness. I explained to the fact that they take me for a German airman, because as I know, already in this period were distributed news that the Germans are flying the Polish Mundu Rach and Polish signs for the aircraft. actual value, however, was different. Residents of the area over which battle took place, were convinced that this large airplane, that is 'Moose', are German, and these are two small Polish. Justice wa quickly clarified and aggressiveness passed since among the people who approached me was not zmobi lysed reservist who served in the military regiment Krakow airport. Seeing a commemorative badge on his uniform complete SPLdM in Bydgoszcz, asked what it is. Upon hearing my explanation, asked for the names of more graduates of this school, which s got assigned to the regiment of Krakow. so I gave a few names and nationality issue was clarified. I learned right away that I was in the village Pawłosiów that our troops have already withdrawn BRIEFINGS a German coming. "
Pawłosiów people's relationships.
Wladyslaw Pursue:
"Somewhere in the afternoon from the Yaroslavl flew our plane and immediately there were two German mys fire fighters and give to our own. They had to hit him because he has bus caught fire. I saw two pilots wysko or by parachute, then the German came over and Puś pressure after a series of them. Our plane fell near here and how to hit the ground, it exploded. One could hear the fire roar szny. I ran there immediately with other colleagues. Not far from the plane find the remains of the bodies of the pilots. After gathered them into a parachute and buried nadpalonego in a box in a makeshift grave. Immediately after the I rosławia on bikes came up Germany. "
Tadeusz Silent:
" A little further delay, find the pilots. If One of them apparently tried to jump, because the parachute was partially developed . Second, and probably had not yet crashed in sa molocie. There is little left of him, a leg, a piece of ki body. The rest - the torso and head, I perhaps social czywają in the ground. [...] Two of the saved. One sat down on a parachute closer to Yaroslavl, and people took care of him between them Wojtuń. Managed to get him to hospital, it's like a railroad injured in the accident. Doctor Zasowski treated him. The second landed in the forest, 'the path'. If him nothing happened. I do not know who helped him, but the next day he came to this place dressed in civilian clothes. He walked, looking at the remains of his machine. told us that part of what it does. Then disappeared and did not know what happened to him. "
Starting from Gnojna Elks X Dyonu took up the generally after 1100 kg of bombs. September 11 Dyon made in August dem - eight samolotozadań, dropping about 8.8 tons of bombs and losing one Moose.
afternoon to Ułęż flew Fokker technical officer tronic X Dyonu noted. George Unger with the engineers to fix the immobilized Moose left there and blow up the magazines.
Squadron "Hawk"
Cwynar Heller found in Brest and reported XV Squadron that could possibly work one key czem. Heller gave him an advance on the payments to the sol soldiers battalion, commanded download three Elk of Pinsk.
held at the airport Wielicka promotion of warrant officers last year of Cadet School of Aviation in Deblin, which was incorporated in August to squadron.
the afternoon began the evacuation of Brest. Małaszewicze reached base in March ordered an ambulance Spoofing Horodenka direction. Late in the evening Aviation High Command went to Ita dzimierza Volyn and command a brigade receives orders ACKGROUND follow him.
aids at the airport, flew a Goodwill Moose of Żabczyc. All contained therein Łódź August masked fresh greenery.
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