Despite the ambiguous order of the Supreme Commander of the Polish Army troops, attacked by overwhelming numbers of the Red Army troops, met the fight. Passed into history the heroic defense of Grodno, where the remnants of Polish troops, backed by the scouts take up the two-day resistance to Soviet tanks, as well as defense of Lwow from 12 to September 22 - against Germany, from September 18 simultaneously against the Soviets.
still defended Warsaw, Modlin, and Hel. Still remnants of the Army of Poznan and Pomerania pierced by ticks of the enemy. Armies Kraków and Lublin were looking hole in the area of \u200b\u200bTomaszów Lubelski.
were evacuated to Romania 30 000 soldiers, the Hungary 40 000 (including motorized brigade, battalion railway engineers, and police battalion "Golędzinów" ).
Squadron "Vulture"
that day, all eight machines was already in Romania. Throw pie left Polish border on the night of 18 on Sept. 19 near Kotomyja. Not all staff are managed, some went into exile.
Squadron "Hawk"
ten airplanes in stock. early morning at the airport XV Squadron chief engineer arrived 16th Squadron, senior foreman Wac Oyrzanowski benches, a written order of Gen. Ujejs kiego metastasis ordering planes to Romania.
Around 8:00 5 nine Elk started start to Chernivtsi on the remains of gasoline. After 8:30 the machine reached the limits of the Romanian. Elks were overloaded above the norm. In addition to the crew aboard were also mechanics, aircraft were even at 6 people!
P / O. Bernas:
"The order did not provoke debate. It was a logical and complete propitiation this whole unfortunate for us war. Przeczuwaliśmy it from the moment of entering the pain szewików the Polish border. What was there to do aviation with its valuable equipment, but without the base, without supplies, no ammunition. Everything was on the premises nach occupied by the Germans.
Uczepiliśmy up hope that in the solution wyczytaliśmy vernom: 'in order to reorganize. " Maybe not so bad. Can we continue to fight, after all We fly an allied state border, which is obliged give us assistance. But in Romania should no longer be promised English and French of the machinery of which are already taking a few weeks left before the war, our specialists. You need to have after someone zau fans in the world, something to resist.
in the machine beside me even five people, as in all others. We did not want to leave mechanics at the mercy of fate. Clouds - low, below 100 m , and in places cling to the vertices benign MENT hills. This is the track. Left and right key pulled me pike, Ry, RWD-13 RWD-8. All of this reporting WIA escape the impression of animals from a burning forest.
Polish town Sniatyn passes for 200 meth Rach. When painted on the white-red barrier a long string of rail cars loaded ob military troops, baggage, women and children. "
Yes flew with the Polish last compact Polish air combat unit ...
Squadron schooling
evacuation orders are not likely to reach all Elk Małaszewicze database, which will be approximately ten there was still that day morning at airports up in the region of Galicia, and Pinsk, probably only six of them ingress ACKGROUND to Romania.
About 20 Elk are in Chernivtsi Romania fueled evening a small amount of fuel in preparation for the trip to the airport Iasi
Command Bomb Brigade, Colonel. Heller the head after a short night's sleep in Kossowie went at 8.00 Forged by the direction the Romanian border, which crossed at 13.00.
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